Welcome, Nature Blog Network!

I’m honored and delighted to be the featured blognatureblognetwork.com this week at the Nature Blog Network. Welcome, NBN readers!

The Nature Blog Network is a marvelous community of nature lovers, writers, scientists, and photographers.

If you’re looking for outstanding blogging about birds, bugs, plants, herps, hiking, oceans, ecosystems, or any other natural topic — or if you blog on those topics yourself — this is the place for you!

If you haven’t yet visited NBN, take a few minutes to browse among the nearly 900 blogs in the network. Be prepared for some fantastic photos of birds, insects, trees, and all the other marvels nature lovers are finding to wonder about and take delight in.

Thank you, Wrenaissance and all the folks at NBN!

Update: The Nature Blog Network unfortunately closed down in August 2014. It was a great place to find out-of-the-way blogs and kindred spirits in all areas of nature appreciation. RIP NBN.


4 Responses to Welcome, Nature Blog Network!

  1. Heather says:September 28, 2009 at 10:53 am

    Priscilla, I found your blog through your featured interview on the NBN, and I am so delighted to have been introduced to such a thoughtful place. Your post on trusting the senses struck a chord with me… I look forward to reading more. I’m glad Wren decided to feature you this week. So glad to have you in the NBN

    • Priscilla Stuckey, PhD says:September 28, 2009 at 5:46 pm

      Thanks for the visit, Heather, and please feel free to add to the conversation about the senses. I’m delighted to meet other NBN bloggers!

  2. Claire Walter says:September 29, 2009 at 5:34 am

    Congratulations on the selection of this blog for a feature this week. I enjoy your eloquent words and wonderful photographs every time I visit. I was also glad that you answered “The Berlin Wall for Wildlife” when asked about your favorite post. It’s one that sticks in my mind, and I hope this recognition helps get this message out farther. It is especially poignant this week when “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea” spotlights how important wildlife protection was in the establishment of our National Parks and the management systems that were slowly put into place.

    • Priscilla Stuckey, PhD says:September 29, 2009 at 7:59 am

      Many thanks, Claire! I appreciate your support. Yes, the folly of the border wall, just in terms of wildlife protection, is mind-boggling, isn’t it?