News about Kissed by a Fox

I’m thrilled to announce that Kissed by a Fox recently won two book awards.

Nautilus Book Awards medalThe Nautilus book awards celebrate “Better Books for a Better World,” and Kissed by a Fox won the 2013 Nautilus Silver Award in the category Animals/Nature. Some of my favorite writers and personal heroes are Nautilus Award winners, including Barbara Kingsolver and Thich Nhat Hanh. I’m delighted to be part of a long list of books that “stimulate the imagination and inspire the reader to new possibilities for a better world.”

ForeWord Book of the Year Book AwardsForeWord Reviews is a publication that goes out to libraries and booksellers everywhere, alerting book lovers to great offerings from independent, university, and small presses. I am delighted to announce that a few days ago at the annual American Library Association conference in Chicago, Kissed by a Fox was awarded the ForeWord 2012 Book of the Year Silver Award in the Nature category.

In more good news, the book just went into its second printing, and we’re celebrating with an updated cover that looks like this:

The Nautilus medal will appear on the front, along with Temple Grandin’s words: “Kissed by a Fox will make you think about life and nature in a different way.”

The new cover is at the printer, and I’m told that the new books will be delivered this week. You can find them soon at your local bookstore.

Thanks to all of you who have read the book and alerted your friends to its presence in the world. With your help, the word is getting out!


6 Responses to News about Kissed by a Fox

  1. Cheri Hoffer says:July 6, 2013 at 11:28 pm

    Huge congratulations on the awards and the second printing, of many. How appropriate for a book on relationships with the creatures of the world to gain a “seal” of approval.

    • Priscilla Stuckey, PhD says:July 7, 2013 at 8:41 am

      Thanks, Cheri!

  2. Laurel Kallenbach says:July 7, 2013 at 2:20 pm

    Awesome award…and kudos for getting a Temple Grandin endorsement!

    • Priscilla Stuckey, PhD says:July 7, 2013 at 2:32 pm

      Thanks, Laurel. I was thrilled. I actually got to speak with her briefly on the phone.

  3. Jody Berman says:July 8, 2013 at 12:33 pm

    Priscilla–congratulations on your prestigious, well-deserved awards, Grandin’s endorsement (wow!), and a second printing–wonderful news!

    • Priscilla Stuckey, PhD says:July 9, 2013 at 2:59 pm

      Thanks, Jody. I appreciate it!